[4/28/2018] ICSS 2018 notification email will be sent around May 1st, 2018. New
[4/13/2018] ICSS 2018 Panel experts have been updated. New
[4/12/2018] ICSS 2018 Registration has been issued. New
[4/11/2018] ICSS 2018 Venue and Accommodation have been issued. New
[4/9/2018] ICSS 2018 Keynote and Panel experts have been issued. New
[3/28/2018] ICSS 2018 submission due has been extended April 15th, 2018.New
[3/12/2018] ICSS 2018 submission due has been extended from March 12th to March 27th, 2018.
[12/7/2017] ICSS 2018 CFP Flyer is announced. It can be found here.
[12/2/2017] Submission system is open,
[11/22/2017] ICSS 2018 website is announced.
International Conference on Service Science (ICSS) is an annual academic event initiated by IBM and directed by the Advisory and Steering Committee on Serviceology in China, and is also one of the top events of service science community in China. ICSS features a unique mix of academic, industrial, and cross-discipline topics, and provides a platform for the presentation and exchange of research results and practical experiences as well as education development on serviceology. ICSS also aims at bridging the perspectives of researchers and the needs of practitioners. The speakers in the conference include many of the leading service science experts from both academia and service industries around the world.
Service Science, an emerging cross-discipline area, addresses key research and practice issues in developing modern service industries. ICSS focuses on the complementary and synergistic aspects of established fields such as computer science, informatics, software engineering, operation research, industrial engineering, management science, social and cognitive sciences, which are expected to contribute to the further development of service sciences. Furthermore, ICSS also encourages exploring and studying scientific and practical issues that are fundamental to the service sector including management theories and techniques with unique service perspectives.
The previous ten ICSS events were successfully held at Beijing (2008 and 2009), Hangzhou (2010), Taipei (2011), Shanghai (2012), Shenzhen (2013), Wuxi (2014), Weihai (2015), Chongqing (2016), and Xiamen (2017). Over 120 experts around the world attended each of the ICSS conferences. Following this trend, ICSS 2018 will be held in Shanghai, one of the world's largest seaports and one of China’s major industrial and commercial centers. It is located on the east coast of China near where the Yangtze River empties into the East China Sea.
Services computing has become a cross-discipline that covers the science and technology of bridging the gap between business services and IT services. The whole life-cycle of services innovation research mainly includes services modeling and creation, services annotation, services discovery and selection, services composition, services delivery, service-to-service collaboration, services monitoring, services optimization, services recommendation, as well as services management. In the tide of artificial intelligence both in theoretic research and wide real-world applications in industry, how to apply the state-of-the-art intelligent methodology for the advancement of services computing, and enable IT services and computing technology to perform business services more efficiently and effectively has become a hot topic. ICSS 2018 aims to bring together scholars and students, researchers and managers of serviceology related areas and industries for intellectual exchanges, research cooperation, education and professional development. ICSS 2018 will offer keynote speeches and three tracks (research track, application, industry and education track, work-in-progress track), for inviting presentations of theoretical research findings and case study in service science and its related fields, and also offers excellent networking opportunities to participants, with a wonderful taste of local culture in Shanghai.